Full Conference Agenda

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Day One

Thu, Jun 23 at 8:30 am EDT
Plenary Session – The Time is Right for Social Work

Watch Session

1.5 Macro Social Work Credits

The Time is Right for Social Work

Mildred “Mit” Joyner, DPS, MSW, LCSW
National Association of Social Workers

Scott Giacomucci, DSW, LCSW, BCD
Director, Founder, & Owner, Phoenix Center for Experiential Trauma Therapy

Angela Perone, PhD, JD, MSW
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow
Assistant Professor, University of California School of Social Welfare
Director, Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services

Gary Bailey, DHL, MSW, ACSW
Assistant Dean for Community Engagement and Social Justice Professor of Practice
Simmons University School of Social Work

10:00 am - 10:30 am EDT

Exhibit Hall

Thu, Jun 23 at 10:30 am EDT
Breakout Session – Association of Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership to Job Satisfaction

Watch Session

1.5 Social Work Credits

Association of Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership to Job Satisfaction

Dr. Gary Bernard Bailey, MA, MSW, Ph.D., LCSW, CEAP

This presentation will focus on the presenter's experience as the clinical director and owner of an employee assistance program and private practice as well as his journey in attaining his PhD. His dissertation research results entitled “The Association of Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership to Job Satisfaction of Social Work Leaders” will be presented along with what this means for social work leaders in health care.

The Social Work Entrepreneur and the Unspoken Money Conversation: Leveraging Your Skills and Knowledge as a Successful Entrepreneur
Stephen Pleasant, MSW, LICSW

For entrepreneurial social workers, now is the perfect time to learn how to leverage your valuable and transferable skills and knowledge, coupled with technology and digital marketing, to serve more people, have a bigger impact, and earn more money. Brené Brown is one example of a very successful social worker who is doing exactly that. A new model, a new way of thinking, a new paradigm, is long overdue in the social work profession. In this workshop, you’ll learn a new model that allows you to work smarter, not harder, by leveraging time, knowledge, and technology to be a successful social work entrepreneur in this digital age. As Buckminster Fuller said, “To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

Thu, Jun 23 at 10:30 am EDT
Breakout Session – Education Social Workers in Palliative and End of Life Care (ESPEC): An Innovative Training Program to Promote Integration of Primary Care into Social Work Practice

Watch Session

1.5 Social Work Credits


Myra Glajchen, DSW, MSW, BSW, ACSW, APHSW-C
Shirley Otis-Green, MA, MSW, ACSW, LCSW, OSW-CE, FNAP, FAOSW
Vickie Leff, LCSW, MSW, LCSW, APHSW-C,
Suzanne Marmo, LCSW, PhD, APHSW-C

Palliative care is associated with improved quality of life for patients and caregivers dealing
with chronic and serious illness. As palliative care has grown as a medical specialty, so too
have opportunities for social workers to participate in clinical teams. Yet while training
programs have proliferated for physicians and nurses in palliative care, comparable
programs for social workers have lagged behind.

Social workers play a crucial role in alleviating suffering, decreasing illness burden and
ensuring a focus on both the medical and psychosocial aspects of care. But in a recent study
to define core competencies for social workers in palliative care, practicing social workers
reported gaps in training, lack of adequate preparation in the family meeting, advance care
planning, bereavement, and other activities to meet the needs of the seriously ill. Social
workers cited these as sources of compassion fatigue, decreased job satisfaction, high
turnover at work, and lack of recognition for the critical role of social workers in health and
palliative care.

This presentation will highlight best practices in health social work using the eight domains
of the National Consensus Project Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care as a framework.
The session will review Educating Social Workers in Palliative and End-of-Life Care (ESPEC),
the new evidence-informed training program for social workers, provide highlights from
the four training components - interactive on-line training, instructor led training,
leadership training, and mentorship - and share state-of-the-art training techniques.
Participants will also be encouraged to use the training to increase their professional

Thu, Jun 23 at 10:30 am EDT
Breakout Session – Social Work Advocacy and Ethics: Making a Difference for our Profession and our Clients

Watch Session

1.5 Social Work Credits

Social Work Advocacy and Ethics:  Making a Difference for our Profession and our Clients

Johanna Byrd

This presentation will explore the dynamics associated with social work and the policy arena. To be most effective, social workers must fully utilize the political and policy areas of practice to create an environment where social workers can flourish and have the resources to fully assist clients and families. However, this practice area is often neglected by practitioners who view it as outside their domain. This workshop will discuss ethical obligations and challenges, detail current research and trends, explore the real-world consequences of how social work practice suffers when we choose not to get involved, and how we could exponentially expand our influence if we were to embrace our role and demand a seat at the table.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EDT

Thu, Jun 23 at 1:30 pm EDT
Keynote Presentation – Day One

Watch Session

Keynote Presentation- Day One

Reverend Dr. William Joseph Barber. II
President & Senior Lecturer of Repairers of the Breach & Co-Chair of The Poor People's Campaign
Goldsboro, North Carolina

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm EDT

Exhibit Hall

Thu, Jun 23 at 3:30 pm EDT
Breakout Session – Addressing Widespread Cultural Trauma with Trauma Focused Techniques

Watch Session

1.5 Clinical Social Work Credits

Addressing Widespread Cultural Trauma with Trauma Focused Techniques
Jennifer Street, LCSW

In this presentation we will evaluate the impact of cultural traumas such as the global pandemic, police brutality, racial unrest, and school shootings on victims and health care professionals.  We will discuss the primary components of effective trauma therapy and how thought-directed therapy is effective in an average of 4 sessions to reduce PTSD symptoms. You'll learn about evidence-based techniques, such as Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), for treating trauma and secondary stress and gain an understanding of the use of bi-lateral stimulation to help clients, clinicians, medical workers, and first responders regulate their nervous systems after trauma.

Prisoners in Group: Healing processes at the Intersections of Race, Class, Age, and Ability
Miriam Ribeiro

This presentation offers an experiential opportunity to explore Morgan's Wheel of Oppression and how each of us experiences privilege and marginalizatioin. It further touches on systemic racism by highlighting the disproportionate incarceration of Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) within California’s penal system. It highlights the intersectionality of race, class, age/ability with incarcerated/hospitalized mentally ill inmates/patients. In addition, it illuminates ways in which the White Eurocentric paradigm permeates the manner in which we learn, diagnose and disseminate treatment. Finally it discusses how humanizing the offender can positively and interpersonally impact the patient/inmate, his family, and ultimately our community.

Thu, Jun 23 at 3:30 pm EDT
Breakout Session – Importance of Providing Culturally Relevant and Affirming Care to Members of the LGBTQ+ Community

Watch Session

1.5 Cross Cultural Credits

Importance of Providing Culturally Relevant and Affirming Care to Members of the LGBTQ+ Community
Presenter: Steven Haden

This workshop is designed to help mental health clinicians and administrators develop new skills and gain critical knowledge to enhance the delivery of quality, culturally relevant and affirming behavioral health interventions for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Topics include: Spectrums of sexuality and gender; using inclusive and affirming language; intersectionality; the history of LGBTQ+ behavioral health care; barriers to treatment; health and mental health disparities; population-specific competencies; cultural relevancy; trauma-informed care; effective treatment models; coping skills; systemic biases; internalized oppression; coming out; gender dysphoria; administrative inclusiveness; and population-specific barriers to care.

Thu, Jun 23 at 3:30 pm EDT
Breakout Session – Your Story Matters: Now Is The Time To Start Telling It Through An Effective Messaging Campaign

Watch Session

1.5 Social Work Credits

Your Story Matters: Now Is The Time To Start Telling It Through An Effective Messaging Campaign

Louise Grasmehr

As social workers, you lead change in your community. But how many people outside of organization know the story of the important work you do? Can you describe your work and values in a way that even your neighbor could understand? Do you talk about the policies that shape your work so that policymakers, allies and media can support you? Now, more than ever, is the time to tell that story!
In this session you will learn strategies for creating impactful messages to help your organization promote the difference you make, the important work you do, increase morale, and affect public perception. Learning how to effectively message your work empowers your workforce and helps change the narrative leading to a more effective agency."

Values Driven Leadership

Kristen Pearce, Natalie Kenyon

The field of Social Work is ever-evolving. As we have moved through the last two years, the need for leaders to find new and innovative ways to support themselves and their staff has become increasingly important. It is vital to have a strong foundation of personal values to lead in the social work field. By utilizing these values, you can better understand yourself and those you lead. Your values also become vital when working through compassion fatigue which is at crisis levels in our industry. This presentation will help you better understand compassion fatigue and how your values can support your long-term leadership goals.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Day Two

Fri, Jun 24 at 8:15 am EDT
Plenary Session – Social Work Advocacy & Policy

Watch Session

1.5 Macro Social Work Credits

Social Work Advocacy & Policy

Sarah Christa Butts, MSW
Director, Public Policy
National Association of Social Workers

Fri, Jun 24 at 9:45 am EDT
Keynote Presentation – Day Two

Watch Session

1 Macro Social Work Credits

Keynote Presentation

Rachel L. Levine, M.D.,
Admiral, U.S. Public Health Service
Assistant Secretary for Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Fri, Jun 24 at 11:00 am EDT
Breakout Session – Change is One of the Hardest Things We'll Do

Watch Session

1.5 Clinical Social Work Credits

Change is One of the Hardest Things We'll Do


How many times have you heard someone make a New Year's Resolution, Try to lose weight, or stop drinking coffee? Oftentimes, as helping professionals, we forget how difficult it is to change. It’s a Brain Thing. Change doesn’t happen in a linear process. YET, it is a PROCESS. This workshop helps professionals to further understand the change process  and how to support those they serve through this challenging journey."

Creating Social Worker Resilancy through Trauma Informed Supervision
Virginia Lee Bagby, LMSW

This presentation will provide attendees with knowledge and concepts for the practice of Reflective Supervision in Trauma Informed Programs. The workshop provides training in evidence-informed supervision practices, and tools to enhance staff engagement, prevent and identify vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue, and creating collaborative and protected professional space for the supervisor and staff member to process the work. The presentation  emphasizes the use of agency/organization mission and Trauma Informed tenets in the establishment of Reflective Supervision (RS) Practices in Social Work programs and provides lessons learned from implementing RS at the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline.

Fri, Jun 24 at 11:00 am EDT
Breakout Session – The rise of “Puppy Mills” in clinical settings and the risk associated with ineffective counseling

Watch Session

1.5 Clinical Social Work Credits

The rise of “Puppy Mills” in clinical settings and the risk associated with ineffective counseling.
Janice Edwards

This symposium will explore the ethical dilemmas present when private practice practitioners, community organizations and agencies hire Social Workers who have the first level master licensing, e.g, LMSW, LGSW, LSW, yet have limited graduate, post-graduate, and certification to provide competent clinical Social Work services. Clinical Social Work services such as, individual psychotherapy, couples therapy, family therapy, and trauma informed therapy.  Presenters will discuss the ethical implications arising with hiring newly licensed master level Social Workers with limited post graduate training to provide clinically oriented services. Presenters will also discuss recommend policy changes to address the dilemmas of "puppy milling" newly licensed master Social Workers in private practice, community organizations and agencies.

Fri, Jun 24 at 11:00 am EDT
Breakout Session – Addressing The Suicide Risk Continuum: Prevention, Intervention and Postvention

Watch Session

1.5 Clinical Social Work Credits

Addressing The Suicide Risk Continuum: Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
Amanda Ganoe, Sarah Haberbosch & Nikole Jones

Suicide continues to be a national crisis and a leading cause of death in the US. The time is right to learn about the continuum of suicidal risk in regards to prevention, intervention, and postvention. National crisis lines have yielded an increase in calls and there is a spike in those seeking mental health services following a crisis. Suicide rates increased for vulnerable populations. There was also an increase in gun sales over the past year which remains the primary method in suicide-related deaths. Social workers are uniquely prepared with a holistic, person-centered approach to support a person experiencing suicidal risk. In this session, you will learn how to prevent, intervene and support a community through a suicidal crisis.

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm EDT

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Fri, Jun 24 at 2:15 pm EDT
Breakout Session – Microaggressions Experienced by Employees of Human Service Agencies

Watch Session

1.5 Cross Cultural Credits

Microaggressions Experienced by Employees of Human Service Agencies
Berg Miller, PhD, LMSW

There is a need to uncover the microaggressions experienced by human service professionals. This study used qualitative methods to explore women and non-binary people of color’s experiences of microaggressions within an agency context. Findings stress the importance of subtle and unintended discrimination among employees to foster inclusive workplaces. Recommendations include the development of workplace policies that create clear and effective avenues for remediation.

Creating Cultural Change: VA Social Work's Approach to Social Justice Advocacy
Angela Giles, DBH, LCSW

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is the largest employer of master-prepared social workers. The National Director of Social Work called social workers to action to address racism within the VA Social Work Workforce; to step into social justice ethics. The director outlined micro, mezzo, and macro activities in which VA social workers might engage. This presentation shares the VA social work experience and plans to continue the social justice journey toward VA social workers reflecting the Veterans and the communities where they serve at all levels of the organization.

Fri, Jun 24 at 2:15 pm EDT
Breakout Session – VA Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Initatives: Trauma Informed Care in Action

Watch Session

1.5 Social Work Credits
VA Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Initatives: Trauma Informed Care in Action

Dr. LeAnn E. Bruce

Using a case study approach, this interactive presentation will engage participants in strategic discussion about the application of trauma-informed care (TIC) in a large health care setting. Using the VA’s Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP) as an example, presenters will illustrate how TIC principles inform practices across several domains including environmental, policy, procedures, and interventions. TIC practices are a guiding principle in the design and implementation of IPVAP services for Veterans, their partners and VA staff who experience or use IPV.

Sexual Trauma Response Needs within MSW Program Curriculum and Continuing Education Training
Dr. Emily Nichols

This presentation addresses the need for MSW program curriculum and continuing education to better prepare social work professionals to respond to sexual trauma. Presenters will explore assessment and disclosures experiences of social work professionals treating sexual trauma and recommendations to incorporate sexual trauma response into social work education and training programs.

Fri, Jun 24 at 2:15 pm EDT
Breakout Session – What's Trending in Social Work Ethics and Professional Review

Watch Session

1.5 Ethics Credits

What's Trending in Social Work Ethics and Professional Review

Andrea Murray, NASW Office of Ethics and Professional Review

Each year, NASW hears from thousands of social workers and consumers about ethics questions and concerns. NASW's Office of Ethics and Professional Review and the National Ethics Committee, (NEC) promote ethical practice by way of training, resources, consultation and the administration of the association's peer review process. This presentation will explore trending ethical issues, identifying common pitfalls, and opportunities to be proactive in advancing high standards of ethical practice.

Fri, Jun 24 at 4:00 pm EDT
Plenary Session – 2022 Election Forecast

Watch Session

1.5 Macro Social Work Credits

Decision 2022: An Election Forecast

Julie Shroyer, MSW
President & CEO, Wheat Shroyer Government Relations

Hon. Alan Wheat
Chairman, Wheat Shroyer Government Relations LLC
Member of Congress (1983 – 1995)

Fri, Jun 24 at 5:00 pm EDT
NASW/NASW Foundation Awards Ceremony

Watch Session

NASW/NASW Foundation Awards Ceremony

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Day Three

Sat, Jun 25 at 8:30 am EDT
Plenary Session – Challenging Ageism

Watch Session

1.5 Macro Social Work Credits

Plenary Session – Challenging Ageism: Integral to Social Justice, DEI, & Your Well-Being.

Patricia M. D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP
Vice President, Policy & Professional Affairs
Project Director, Reframing Aging Initiative
The Gerontological Society of America

Tracey Gendron, MSG, PhD
Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Gerontology, Virginia Commonwealth University
Executive Director of the Virginia Center on Aging
Author of Ageism Unmasked: Exploring Age Bias and How to End it

Christina Peoples, MS
Creator of Gero-what?!
Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Chris Herman, MSW, LICSW 
Senior Practice Associate–Aging
National Association of Social Workers

Sat, Jun 25 at 10:15 am EDT
Breakout Session – Understanding the Imposter Phenomenon Among BIPOC Students: Implications for Social Work Education

Watch Session

1.5 Cross Cultural Credits

Understanding the Imposter Phenomenon Among BIPOC Students: Implications for Social Work Education
Speaker: Gerri K. Connaught
The imposter phenomenon is an internal experience of feeling inadequate and like a fraud. There are ways in which social work programs may foster and exacerbate feelings of phoniness and not belonging among students who identify as BIPOC. This presentation will discuss the role of social work educators and practitioners in addressing this issue.

The Fierce Urgency of Now - Deepening Our Commitment to Social Justice Practice
Dr. Anthony Nicotera, JD, DSW, LSW
Dr. Nicotera serves as Assistant Professor at Seton Hall University and Director of NYU’s Post-Master’s Certificate Program in Spirituality and Social Work. He has been teaching social work, social justice, peacemaking, and multifaith leadership courses for over 20 years. He has published book chapters and scholarly journal articles on the intersection of social justice, spirituality, and social work. He created the Circle of Insight framework, a process to foster the practice of peace, justice, and transformative love. He helps lead the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the nation's oldest, largest, multifaith peace and justice organization, of which Dr. King was a member. He worked in Central America and in Calcutta with Saint Mother Teresa.

Sat, Jun 25 at 10:15 am EDT
Breakout Session - The Ethics of Medication Assisted Treatment as a Recovery Tool

Watch Session

1.5 Ethics Credits

The Ethics of Medication Assisted Treatment as a Recovery Tool
Emily McKernan
The drug epidemic in the U.S is the deadliest it has ever been. Opioid related overdoses continue to be the driving force behind this public health crisis. MAT is an empirically supported intervention has been identified as the standard of care for individuals with an OUD. Yet, individuals face multiple barriers to accessing this life saving treatment due to stigmatization. The NASW code of ethics identifies core values which are the basis for the profession. This presentation will explore how such values can guide us in advocating for evidence based practices in addiction treatment, challenging social injustices that create barriers to care and empower individuals to practice self determination when seeking treatment for a substance use.

Sat, Jun 25 at 10:15 am EDT
Breakout Session – Critical Race Theory a Necessary Lens for Clinical Social Work Practice

Watch Session

1.5 Clinical Social Work Credits

Speaker: Janice Edwards
Critical race theory (CRT) as a framework acknowledges that racism is pervasive in society. As such, understanding CRT must be considered as an essential analytic tool and clinical lens for Clinical Social Workers to comprehend, how racism impacts the psychological wellbeing of clients who present for clinical social work treatment.

Sat, Jun 25 at 12:00 pm EDT
Keynote Presentation – Day Three

Watch Session

Closing Keynote Presentation

Rohit Bhargava
Best-Selling Author & Podcaster