Breakout Session – Change is One of the Hardest Things We'll Do
1.5 Clinical Social Work Credits
Change is One of the Hardest Things We'll Do
How many times have you heard someone make a New Year's Resolution, Try to lose weight, or stop drinking coffee? Oftentimes, as helping professionals, we forget how difficult it is to change. It’s a Brain Thing. Change doesn’t happen in a linear process. YET, it is a PROCESS. This workshop helps professionals to further understand the change process and how to support those they serve through this challenging journey."
Creating Social Worker Resilancy through Trauma Informed Supervision
Virginia Lee Bagby, LMSW
This presentation will provide attendees with knowledge and concepts for the practice of Reflective Supervision in Trauma Informed Programs. The workshop provides training in evidence-informed supervision practices, and tools to enhance staff engagement, prevent and identify vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue, and creating collaborative and protected professional space for the supervisor and staff member to process the work. The presentation emphasizes the use of agency/organization mission and Trauma Informed tenets in the establishment of Reflective Supervision (RS) Practices in Social Work programs and provides lessons learned from implementing RS at the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline.