Breakout Session – Addressing The Suicide Risk Continuum: Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
1.5 Clinical Social Work Credits
Addressing The Suicide Risk Continuum: Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
Amanda Ganoe, Sarah Haberbosch & Nikole Jones
Suicide continues to be a national crisis and a leading cause of death in the US. The time is right to learn about the continuum of suicidal risk in regards to prevention, intervention, and postvention. National crisis lines have yielded an increase in calls and there is a spike in those seeking mental health services following a crisis. Suicide rates increased for vulnerable populations. There was also an increase in gun sales over the past year which remains the primary method in suicide-related deaths. Social workers are uniquely prepared with a holistic, person-centered approach to support a person experiencing suicidal risk. In this session, you will learn how to prevent, intervene and support a community through a suicidal crisis.