Breakout Session – Microaggressions Experienced by Employees of Human Service Agencies
1.5 Cross Cultural Credits
Microaggressions Experienced by Employees of Human Service Agencies
Berg Miller, PhD, LMSW
There is a need to uncover the microaggressions experienced by human service professionals. This study used qualitative methods to explore women and non-binary people of color’s experiences of microaggressions within an agency context. Findings stress the importance of subtle and unintended discrimination among employees to foster inclusive workplaces. Recommendations include the development of workplace policies that create clear and effective avenues for remediation.
Creating Cultural Change: VA Social Work's Approach to Social Justice Advocacy
Angela Giles, DBH, LCSW
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is the largest employer of master-prepared social workers. The National Director of Social Work called social workers to action to address racism within the VA Social Work Workforce; to step into social justice ethics. The director outlined micro, mezzo, and macro activities in which VA social workers might engage. This presentation shares the VA social work experience and plans to continue the social justice journey toward VA social workers reflecting the Veterans and the communities where they serve at all levels of the organization.