Day One - Tuesday, June 22, 2021
10:45 am - 12:30 pm EDT
Welcome & Introduction to the National Conference & Opening Plenary: COVID19 and Systemic Racism: A Life Course Model for Reexamining the Role of Social Work
1.5 Macro Social Work Credits
Welcome & Introduction
Mildred “Mit” Joyner, DPS, MSW, LCSW
National Association of Social Workers
Professor Emerita
West Chester University
Raffaele Vitelli, CAE
Vice President, Professional Education and Product Development
National Association of Social Workers
Opening Plenary: COVID19 and Systemic Racism: A Life Course Model for Reexamining the Role of Social Work
Karen Bullock, PhD, LCSW
Professor, Department Chair
Department of Social Work
North Carolina State University
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of individuals, families and communities, globally. However, some have been more adversely impacted than others due to legal, social and economic inequities woven into the fabric of our society. In the United States, specifically, the intergenerational trauma, poverty, environmental toxins, and the lack of access to healthcare, affordable housing, education and jobs, which Black and Brown people experience have fomented conditions that left entire communities vulnerable to a deadly virus called racism. There was no prescription for treating these preexisting conditions. Moreover, the combination of COVID19 and racism has become a catalyst in contemporary reactions to an age-old problem. The direct and indirect consequences must be addressed throughout social work practice, education, research and scholarship. As the largest discipline of mental health providers in the U.S., we have an ethical duty and obligation to take up this social justice charge.
12:30 pm - 12:45 pm EDT
12:45 pm - 2:15 pm EDT
Breakout Session - Beyond Solo Practice: Behavioral Health Integration the Future of Healthcare Delivery
1.5 Social Work Credits
Troy Brindle, MSW, LCSW, DCH
Senior Vice-President/Chief Operating Officer
ACCESS Services
The healthcare delivery system is rapidly changing and with it brings opportunities to improve overall population health, coordinate care between physical health and behavioral health providers, and decrease total medical spend by improving whole person health. A key tenet of health-care reform is integrating behavioral health services within primary care settings. This session will look at unfolding trends based on a leading national provider.
12:45 pm - 2:15 pm EDT
Breakout Session - The Challenges of Practicing During COVID; Avoiding Claims and Lawsuits
1.5 Ethics Credits
Yvonne Chase, PhD., LCSW, ACSW
Elizabeth Cauble, PhD., MSW
Dina Larsen, CHPRM
Richard Jones, PhD
Through these 90 minutes, we will discuss the Social Work practice in three eras; the old normal, the COVID era, and the new normal. After this session, social workers can identify the differences in providing services during each period and what they should modify to comply with Social Work Ethics, State Licensure Board Regulations, local mandates, and HIPAA regulations.
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
Keynote Address: A Conversation with Wade Davis
The Conversation with Wade Davis keynote presentation is not available for viewing at this time.
1.5 Continuing Education Credits
Wade Davis
Vice President
Inclusion Strategy for Product
4:00 pm - 4:15 pm EDT
4:15 pm - 5:45 pm EDT
Breakout Session - Affirming Healthcare for Transgender and Gender Diverse Clients - Social Workers Make a Difference
1.5 Cross Cultural Credits
Brandy Brown, MSW, LCSW
Program Manager, Gender Clinic Program
Maine Medical Partners/The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital
Social workers have the ability to lead change efforts for transgender people at all practice levels. This presentation will review assessment of healthcare needs that transgender people face, specific disparities that youth experience, change models used in effecting systemic change, and a call to action for social workers to increase their education and competency and to engage their systems of care in order to ensure transgender people, as a vulnerable population, receive equitable care.
4:15 pm - 5:45 pm EDT
Breakout Session - Inhale Courage, Exhale Fear: Courage Groups for Veterans with Military Sexual Trauma
1.5 Clinical Credits
Nicole A. Klein, LISW-S
Clinical Social Worker
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Anne Eason, LCSW, LISW-S
Clinical Social Worker
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans who experience Military Sexual Trauma begin a lifetime of isolation and secrecy immediately after the trauma. With no one to tell and nowhere to turn for help, these Veterans have lived alone with their trauma, often for decades. Learn how Courage Groups promote healing through shared suffering as men and women tell their trauma stories to one another and experience the support of a safe and caring group. The most important thing they learn: They are not alone!
4:15 pm - 5:45 pm EDT
Breakout Session - Risk and Resilience Theory: Practice with Older Adults and their Families
1.5 Clinical Credits
Roberta Greene, PhD, MSW
Professor Emerita
University of Texas, Austin
Nancy A. Greene, DSW, MA, MSW
Assistant Professor, Social Work
Norfolk State University
Nicole M. Dubus, PhD, LCSW
Associate Professor, Social Work
San José State University
This symposium calls for a shift in paradigm, exploring the rational for augmenting geriatric social work with a resilience-enhancing stress model (RESM) for practice with older adults and their families. The panelists will discuss the RESM theory base founded on traditional ecological-systems frameworks and supplemented by the concepts of risk and resilience and a narrative methodological base. Practice examples are provided.
5:45 pm - 6:00 pm EDT
Closing Remarks - Day One
Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW
Chief Executive Officer
National Association of Social Workers
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