Breakout 4B: Extreme Weather Disasters – No Community is Immune

(Social Work CE)

Social work’s readiness to respond when a disaster occurs is more important than ever. The past year has demonstrated that no community can be considered immune to disasters. A record number of billion-dollar weather-related disasters, including hurricanes, tornados, flooding, and wildfires, have occurred during 2023. Social workers in every community should be prepared for the possibility that their skill, knowledge and experience may needed on micro, mezzo and macro levels. This session will explore the various roles social workers are capable of assuming when responding to a devastating disaster.

Anne Hayward, PhD, MSW

Associate Professor, School of Social Welfare

Stony Brook University


11/02/2023 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  90 minutes
11/02/2023 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  90 minutes