Thursday, July 15th

2:00 - 4:15 pm ET
Welcome | Being in the Room: Social Workers Advocating for Social Justice | Association Report

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Mildred "Mit" Joyner, DPS, NSW, LCSW
NASW President

Being in the Room: Social Workers Advocating for Social Justice

Marla Blunt-Carter, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice at Rutgers University School of Social Work will provide her observations on social work and public policy.

Association Report

NASW Chief Executive Officer Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW will provide an update on NASW programs, including the 2021-2022 Program Plan.

4:15 - 4:25 pm ET

4:25 - 5:45 pm ET
Workshop: Meeting the Needs of Students and Transitional Members

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Learn more about successful strategies to grow student and transistional membership. Discuss membership drivers for these segments critical to the future of NASW and the profession.

Moderator: Jennifer Watt, NASW Director, Membership
Jennifer Thompson, MSW, NASW-NJ/NASW-DE Executive Director
Widian Nicola, DSW, LCSW, NASW-NJ President 
Rebekah Gewirtz, MPA, NASW-MA/NASW-RI Executive Director
Lauren Yabut, LICSW, NASW-RI President 
Leanne Rupp, MSW, LCSW, NASW-CO Executive Director 
Julie Clockston, DSW, LCSW, Cert ED, NASW-CO President 
Brenda Rosen, MSW, CSW, NASW-KY Executive Director
Lauren Barks, MSW, CSW, NASW-KY

4:25 - 5:45 pm ET
Workshop: Advancing Social Work Licensing

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This session will provide an update on the Interstate Compact and review latest activity related to the ASWB exam.

Moderators: Anna Mangum, MSW, MPH, NASW Deputy Director, Programs 
Sarah Butts, MSW, NASW Public Policy Director
Karen Goodenough, MSW, NASW-MN Executive Director 
Daphne McClellan, PhD, MSW, NASW-MD Executive Director

4:25 - 5:45 pm ET
Workshop: Advancing Racial Justice – Chapters Making an Impact

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This session will feature the exciting work of NASW Chapters to advance racial justice.

Moderator: Melvin Wilson, MBA, LCSW, NASW Social Justice and Human Rights Manager
Deborah Son, MSW, NASW-CA Executive Director
Victor Manalo, MSW, PhD, NASW-CA President
Algeria Wilson, MSW, NASW-MI Public Policy Director
Claire Green-Forde, DSW, LCSW, NASW-NYC Executive Director
Erica Sandoval, LCSW, NASW-NYC President 
Samantha Fletcher, PhD, MSW, NASW-NY Executive Director
Michael Cappiello, MSW, NASW-NY President
Danielle Smith, MSW, NASW-OH Executive Director

4:25 - 5:45 pm ET
Workshop: Navigating the Unexpected – An Association Approach to Communication

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If there is one thing that 2020 taught us, it is to expect the unexpected. When a crisis or an opportunity arises, how do we approach a response that elevates NASW and ensures that we speak as one voice?

Moderator: Greg Wright, NASW Communications Director
Will Francis, LMSW, NASW-TX Executive Director
Johanna Byrd, ACSW, NASW-PA Executive Director 
Joel Rubin, MSW, ACSW, CAE, NASW-IL Executive Director

5:45 - 6:00 pm ET
Reflections on ALM Day One

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Reflections on ALM Day One

Moderator: Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW
NASW Council of Chapter Presidents Chair Deborah Johnson, PhD, MSW, LMSW (Oklahoma Chapter)
NASW Vice President Anthony Estreet, PhD, LCSW-C

6:00 - 7:00 pm ET
Meet & Greet Party

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Grab refreshments and get to know your colleagues at ALM

Friday, July 16th

2:00 - 3:30 pm ET
Welcome | Keynote: CDC Coronavirus Update

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Mildred "Mit" C. Joyner, DPS, MSW, LCSW
NASW President

CDC Coronavirus Update

Dr. John T. Brooks, Chief Medical Officer, CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response, will share the latest information in terms of epidemiology and prevention of COVID-19. 

3:30 - 3:40 pm ET

3:40 - 4:30 pm ET
Leadership Discussion

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An interactive breakout session to discuss what makes NASW essential to members and other stakeholders.

Moderator: Julia Lent, MPA, CAE, NASW Deputy Director, Chapter Operations

4:30 - 4:40 pm ET

4:40 - 5:45 pm ET
Workshop: Chapter Collaboration to Grow Revenue

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Let's face it: resources are always limited.  Learn from chapters who have leveraged shared expertise to support the work of the Association - and grow revenue to boot. 

Moderator: Rebekah Gewirtz, MPA, NASW-MA/NASW-RI Executive Director
Gwen Bouie-Haynes, PhD, LMSW, NASW-MS Executive Director
Sam Hickman, ACSW, NASW-WV Executive Director
Jennifer Thompson, MSW, NASW-NJ Executive Director

4:40 - 5:45 pm ET
Workshop: Hybrid Events – The New Normal

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As we emerge from the pandemic, professional development will begin operating in a hybrid environment with in-person and virtual elements.  This workshop will explore the key considerations of hybrid events, working together to plan for this "new normal." 

Moderator: Raffaele Vitelli, CAE, NASW Vice President, Professional Education and Product Development
Rich Finstein, Chief Executive Officer, CommPartners
Marc Herstand, MSW, CISW, NASW-WI Executive Director
Brenda Rosen, MSW, CSW, NASW-KY Executive Director

4:40 - 5:45 pm ET
Workshop: Creating Effective Program Plans

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It all starts with a plan. This session will explore strategies to develop a program plan that can guide your chapter to success.

Moderator: Monique Thomason, NASW Chapter Operations Manager
Joel Rubin, MSW, ACSW, CAE, NASW-IL Executive Director
Juliana Palyok, NASW-SC Executive Director
Sylvia Rogers, MSW, NASW-SC President
Valerie Arendt, MSW, MPP, NASW-NC Executive Director

4:40 - 5:45 pm ET
Workshop: Red State Advocacy Strategies

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This session will explore tactics and messaging to further NASW's social justice agenda in the most unlikely places.

Moderator: Lynn Stanley, LICSW, NASW-NH Executive Director
Sarah Butts, Public Policy Director
Karen Franklin, LAPSW, NASW-TN Executive Director

5:45 - 6:00 pm ET
Reflections on the ALM and Looking Forward

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Reflections on the ALM and Looking Forward

COCE Chair Jennifer Thompson, MSW (New Jersey)
NASW CEO Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW