Workshop: Meeting the Needs of Students and Transitional Members
- Registration Closed
Learn more about successful strategies to grow student and transistional membership. Discuss membership drivers for these segments critical to the future of NASW and the profession.
Moderator: Jennifer Watt, NASW Director, Membership
Jennifer Thompson, MSW, NASW-NJ/NASW-DE Executive Director
Widian Nicola, DSW, LCSW, NASW-NJ President
Rebekah Gewirtz, MPA, NASW-MA/NASW-RI Executive Director
Lauren Yabut, LICSW, NASW-RI President
Leanne Rupp, MSW, LCSW, NASW-CO Executive Director
Julie Clockston, DSW, LCSW, Cert ED, NASW-CO President
Brenda Rosen, MSW, CSW, NASW-KY Executive Director
Lauren Barks, MSW, CSW, NASW-KY