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Welcome to the Conference!
We are so excited that you joined us for the 2021 virtual annual conference sponsored by the NASW-MS Chapter. It is our hope that you connected with your colleagues for educational opportunities, networking, and fun! This year’s annual program meeting provides virtual workshops targeted to professionals working in clinical/mental health, healthcare, children & family, macro practice, and other areas. We want to bring you the same quality conference that you are accustomed to in a Zoom-based virtual webinar platform.
You are able to view the agenda, program, workshops, exhibitors, and many resources. At the end of each session, the workshop evaluation must be completed, and it will unlock so you can receive your certificate. This year visit our exhibit hall to connect with exhibitors and sponsors of the conference. Our opening conference keynote speaker is Mildred “Mit” Joyner, DPS, MSW, BSW, LCSW, President of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). The second day of the conference features Andrea Sanders, JD, MSW, Commissioner, Department of Child Protection Services. If you experience technical issues, please contact tech support at naswms@commpartners.org.
Exhibit Hall
Welcome to the National Association of Social Workers, Mississippi Chapter Virtual Conference.
Our conference is the premier social work event of the year and this time it is virtual! It has been a challenging year and we recognize that the social workers of our state desire to have the opportunity to learn, reconnect, and network even if it is virtual. Our annual conference highlights the best and brightest minds in the social work profession throughout our state as well as two very special keynote speakers with a wealth of social work knowledge and dedication to the profession.
This past year has given social workers a lot to think about when dealing with the racial and health disparities as well as social justice issues. This conference has assembled a great list of professional development opportunities to help navigate these monumental times. Your presence is an indication that you are dedicated to making a positive difference in our state.
This year’s theme is Social Workers Are Essential has proved to be timely and accurate. Our social workers have weathered many personal and professional storms this past year and many did not have the option to work from home. Social workers are healthcare workers and they are working in hospitals, long-term care facilities, dialysis centers, hospices, and clients’ homes risking exposure to ensure their clients’ needs are met. NASW has been fighting nationally to ensure that social workers are recognized as essential workers by ensuring access to testing and vaccinations and receiving hazard pay.
Locally, NASW-MS advocates for all social workers in the state members and non-members and has supported legislation to include us as essential as well as supported telehealth services be continued, Medicaid expansion, and prison reform. This legislative season NASW-MS is once again fighting to protect our social work licensing law. However, it is a tough task with the contributions of nearly 600 members supporting the endeavors of 4,000 licensed social workers to ensure our profession is respected and our professional licensure is secure. We need all of your voices to defend and advocate for the social workers in our state. To all non-members we challenge you to join NASW and to all members we challenge you to get involve by joining committees, running for office, and starting your own district within your community. Please visit Resources to join and check out opportunities to serve.
Lastly, we encourage you to visit our conference exhibit hall. It will be open any time day and night and it is a wonderful opportunity to learn about new resources and potential employment opportunities. Thank you for your service and you are essential!!!
Again welcome and enjoy.
Phylandria L. Hudson, MSW, LCSW
NASW-MS Chapter

P.S. We hope to see you in person in 2022 to celebrate our 40th year!!!
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Here’s what people are saying…
"I enjoyed those two days of sessions so much - everything was just so easy - and the quality of the presentations was amazing!"
Jennie Aden, ACSW, LCSW
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