Summit Agenda

10:45 am - 12:00 pm EDT
Welcome and Principles of Social Work Leadership

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Welcome and Overview
Mildred “Mit” Joyner, DPS, MSW, LCSW

Participant Engagement
Raffaele Vitelli, CAE

Principles of Social Work Leadership
Great leadership does not just happen overnight, rather it is often the result of continual development of key skill sets and experiences. Effective leadership is comprised of many traits, such as the ability to develop a team culture, provide mentorship, guide cultural change, and practice diversity and inclusion. This session will explore important principles of leadership, particularly as it relates to the social work profession. It will illustrate the intrinsic relationship between the core values of social work and the need for effective leadership. 

12:00 pm - 12:15 pm EDT

12:15 pm - 1:30 pm EDT
Keynote Presentation: Simple Choices Can Transform Lives: The Evolution of a Do-Gooder

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Joanne Samuel Goldblum, MSW

Author, “Broke in America, Seeing, Understanding and Ending U.S. Poverty”
Founder and CEO, National Diaper Bank Network

A self-proclaimed “do-gooder,” Joanne Samuel Goldblum’s life and career have evolved from her “real-life” experiences as a clinical social worker to starting a nonprofit organization around her kitchen table to founding a national organization dedicated to providing material basic necessities to individuals, children and families. In February 2021 she released her first book, “Broke in America: Seeing, Understanding, and Ending U.S. Poverty.”  She believes that those of us who seek economic and social justice can do so, starting with the simple choices we make in our daily lives. 

1:30 pm - 1:45 pm EDT

1:45 pm - 3:00 pm EDT
Workshop: Dealing with Change

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It is often said one of the only constants in life is change. This session will provide an overview of what drives change and the uncertainty that surrounds it and show participants how to use change increase productivity and effectiveness. It will cover the importance of resilience in dealing with the challenges brought on by change.

1:45 pm - 3:00 pm EDT
Workshop: Project Planning and Delegation

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Understanding how to plan programs and projects effectively and efficiently contributes to successful outcomes.  Delegating is an essential skill for effective leadership. This session will address the key components of project planning, the need for proper delegation, and how participants can support a successful practice.

1:45 pm - 3:00 pm EDT
Workshop: Conflict Resolution

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The ability to successfully navigate conflict at work is an essential, and all too often neglected, leadership skill. This session will offer leaders practical insights, and a framework to engage in healthy conflict resolution at work.

3:00 pm - 3:15 pm EDT

3:15 pm - 4:30 pm EDT
Workshop: Strategic Communications

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Communication, communication, communication – internal, external, marketing, mission, so on and so on. There are many aspects of communication that need to be utilized to ensure organizational success.  This session will show participants how to use communication strategies to deliver important information to clients, workgroups, and partners. It will also provide different types of communication channels specific to those working within a leadership capacity.

3:15 pm - 4:30 pm EDT
Workshop: Problem Solving

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According to a Harvard Business Review study, problem solving is one of the top five qualities of leadership. This session will address complex problem-solving issues and discuss best practices for overcoming obstacles along with finding productive ways to tackle challenges out of the norm.

3:15 pm - 4:30 pm EDT
Workshop: Increase Adaptivity – Personally & Professionally

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2020 brought to the surface the need for society to practice adaptivity. From a leadership perspective, it is critical to be able to navigate sudden change and uncertainties with confidence and grace. This session will explore what it takes to lead in an ever-changing environment, professionally and personally, and still thrive.

4:30 pm - 4:45 pm EDT

4:45 pm - 6:00 pm EDT
Leadership for the Social Work Profession

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This panel of prominent social work leaders will explore to what is the real cost of being the boss: challenges, accountability and hard decisions, Why is it important to spot emerging leaders and mentor them? How does one become a leader in the profession? Participants will understand leadership development from a multifaceted perspective including through the social work lens.

Closing Remarks and Adjournment

Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW